Thursday, August 5, 2010

Yeah....... She's UP OK

Brewing that COFFEE!!!!!!  It's so BLACK, I could tye dye tee shirts!!!!  WIRED Oh yeah, she is:)  Lord, help us and them uns too!!!!  If you notice, I am the calm one!!!  Just opened up my CAN....of SunDrop that is - woohoo!!!!  Look out Route 127 hur we come!!  I already saw some great big pots that I just love and would look good at the pool.  Vera said, we can't load up the car in the first mile and have to go home.  GO HOME - I would just rent a storage place till we got back with a big ole UHAUL.  Ya got to be thinking AHEAD!!  Oh yeah, on the scary mountain road we were on yesterday, we came around a curve and there were 3 cops with flashing lights.  Our first thoughts, holy macaroni, thank gosh we are packing!!  Well it was just a tree down and in the road a little bit.  Thank goodness for the one car escort for the next half mile.  Never did see any other life form --- so we felt special!!  Later ya'll!!

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