Thursday, August 5, 2010

I washed my bra and hope it freezes!!!

What a day! We drove at least 10 hours TODAY and only went 200 miles - if we were lucky. So tired but still keyed up. There are thousands of people here but WAY less hotel took us a long time to find a place tonight. When we did get here, again after a couple of wrong turns, (what can you expect from directionally challenged DOT the gps?) the room was so HOT - probably 90+ degrees!!! They gave us a floor fan in the office and the AC has finally started spitting out some cool air.

Visited the Sgt. Alvin York's hometown - Pall Mall, TN - and took the little tour but most interesting was meeting his son, Andy York. Very cool indeed!!

Drove up someone's driveway looking for a B&B, met the owners, toured their beautiful yard and they even took us inside their home!! Saw their two rental properties and drank water from a spring out of a cave. Check out the pictures Jody will be posting of the log cabin and grounds around their home. Would love to come back and spend a long weekend there!

Drove over the Lake Cumberland Dam - twice!!! Once during the daylight hours and once after dark. That was eerie and I think both of us were freaking out over it!!

Have found lots of "stuff" but haven't bought anything, really. Not sure what either of us is waiting for as we could have done plenty of buying in Crossville, TN today and then left for HOME!!! I mean just how many days can one person go to a "yard sale"??? We asked the silly question - Why August as opposed to, oh I don't know, maybe October? and was told that a large group of men and a much larger amount of alcohol, decided on the date....just saying!! Wonder what tomorrow will bring? I think that my focus will be on some good food because over here, a BBQ plate consists of a BBQ sandwich, teaspoon of baked beans, bag of chips and a drink and I am hungry!! Only a few more hours until breakfast!! Later....

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