Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Made it to Crossville!!

Finally after 2 wrong turns (my fault) we made it to Crossville - where we pick up Hwy. 127, location of World's Longest Yard Sale (WLYS)! Saw some Tennessee countryside that we have never seen - and will never again because we were skeered when we heard the banjos music!! It was a nice detour since we found some $2.49 gas and we got to see things we wouldn't have seen if we hadn't gone that way!! The ride was good, we took our time and made it a nice day. Once we got here in Crossville, we have began seeing LOTS of vendors already set up and selling their wares! Hotel rooms were scarse and if not sold out their prices were really jacked up. We understand tomorrow night will be even more. We have got to get out there early to beat everyone else and get some bargains!! We decided (I just heard it is going to be 105 here tomorrow - OMG!!) that we can NOT fill up the car here in Crossville - we would have to come home tomorrow and that would be embarrassing!! Check out the pictures - Daddy heard an argument about which way we should turn once we got to the end of the he came out to help. Thanks to the Wayside crew for the sendoff - those CLS's lasted all the way to Asheville!! Later!

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