Thursday, August 5, 2010

Woke up!!! Woohoo!!!

No really, we were so tired I was worried that we would sleep really late!!

TRAVEL TIP - Never thought of this before now!! I LOVE my morning coffee - Starbucks Pike Place, black please...and I HATE the coffee supplied by hotels in the rooms. It is OLD AND STALE people, do not drink that stuff. It will make your hair kink, turn your mouth inside out and make you talk in a funny accent... Take one of those little filter packs and carefully open the end and TRASH that crap inside. Then scope out the Starbucks that you brought with you, fill up the little filter pack and lay it in the cradle with the open side up - obviously! Brew and enjoy!!! That is a fantastic discovery - I just don't know why I have never thought of it!!

So with the high temperature predicted for today, we are prepared to melt!! Lots of deoderant - hopefully it works all day!! Lots of water in the cooler, sunscreen ready to apply, sunglasses on and visor ready!! Look out WLYS - the Little sisters are about to arrive....

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