Thursday, August 5, 2010

LONG day but very interesting!!!

Started out in Crossville.  Spent hours and realized we had only been 1 1/2 miles - no kidding.  You can't imagine how much stuff is here.  Check out this lady we met.  She was in one of James Bond's movies we think - you guess which one!!

Kasey, we found you a dress for the next cruise:)
I told you the twa-lettte thing was gonna be an issue.  Well check this out!

We don't even know this woman but she was willing to do this in public!!!!

Oh yeah, I said earlier that we met Ricky Martin, well here he is:
We also met a vendor from Mt. Pleasant, NC - unbelievable - they were actually the first vendors we talked to:

We went to Sgt. Alvin C. York's homeplace.  He was the most decorated soldier in World War I.  His son Andy was the tour guide at the home place. Sgt. York's story is awesome - Gary Cooper played Sgt. York in the movie about him.  Detouring the yard sale to see this was truly an honor!!!

It take a long time to load pictures.  I wish I could load them all but will have to share then via Wal-Mart photos later cause the Internet connection out here is lacking especially when you are staying at motel issues a brass key to get in your room:)

Off to bed for some much needed laying FLAT!!!  Can you say NUMB BUTT??
Headed to Perryville, Ky tomorrow.

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