Friday, August 6, 2010

Now on a more serious note.....

Vera was extremely over active today in the car!!!  I wouldn't ever act like she did!!!  We had a laaate breakfast - say around 11:00 cause we couldn't FIND anything to eat.  Then around 3:00 she decides she is so hungry so she begins her hunt in the car for something to eat.  Bells are dinging cause she is out of her seatbelt and we are on some curvy mountain roads.  She finds my Maple Nut Sugarfree Fudge!!  Next thing I know she is cutting her a bite and handing me some.  I guess that was to disguise the fact that she was eating it. Finished that, went for the white cheddar popcorn, finished that and started looking for something else.  TIME TO STOP and get out of the car and let her get rid of a little of that energy! Well we did and do you know what melted maple candy looks like on the inside seam of your shorts - hahaha.  She had to scrape that expensive candy off her shorts, around say... her knee area - between her legs that is.  I couldn't stop laughing.  Ridiculous!!! 
Well we found a hotel room tonight about 35 miles from the WLYS area.  At least they didn't issue us a TV control with our brass room key like they did last night!! 
I am on Vera's computer because mine will not connect - 2nd night it would not connect.  Sooo I asked Vera to give me the phone number for GeekSquad.  It is listed on their brochure as 1-800-Geeksqad.  So she translated and gave me the number.  I called it.  They answered.  AND I thought what song is playing????  It was a WRONG number to some Porno #!!!!!!!  I screamed and said you gave me a dang porno number.  After I got her off the floor from laughing and prior to us both wetting out pants, I finally got to call Geeksqad.  Their advice - TAKE THE COMPUTER BACK!!
I bought something today.  We stopped at a stained glass vendor.  Come to find out we pass his business every time we go to Raleigh in Pittsboro, NC.  Unbelievable that we keep running into vendors from our area!!!
Well it's 11:30 and time to cut out the lights - later!!

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