Tuesday, August 31, 2010

WLYS hits Time Magazine

Someone at my church saw this article in Time Magazine so I wanted to share it with you.  View the photos and video.  We were THERE - and bought the TShirt that says so, "Some people talk about it but we did it!"
You will know the shirt when you see us - it is LIME GREEN!!!!


Saturday, August 7, 2010

A Poem by TSBL

Bumper to bumper
Hotter than Well
Ate an ear of corn
And sat a spell
Crossville Tn
In the rear view
East on the 40
Be home in a FEW
Do NOT rely on anyone else to translate letters to numbers for a phone number! You might be surprised who answers!
Collect business cards from every place you want to remember!
Distance does not matter, you are still gonna meet people from your local area!
It does not matter that you don't know who owns the house, their driveway is your driveway if you want a picture!
Drive off the beaten path!
Pay attention to where your are while talking on the phone. Less backtracking that way!
A few observations: Suduko and curvy mountain roads is not a good mix!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Now on a more serious note.....

Vera was extremely over active today in the car!!!  I wouldn't ever act like she did!!!  We had a laaate breakfast - say around 11:00 cause we couldn't FIND anything to eat.  Then around 3:00 she decides she is so hungry so she begins her hunt in the car for something to eat.  Bells are dinging cause she is out of her seatbelt and we are on some curvy mountain roads.  She finds my Maple Nut Sugarfree Fudge!!  Next thing I know she is cutting her a bite and handing me some.  I guess that was to disguise the fact that she was eating it. Finished that, went for the white cheddar popcorn, finished that and started looking for something else.  TIME TO STOP and get out of the car and let her get rid of a little of that energy! Well we did and do you know what melted maple candy looks like on the inside seam of your shorts - hahaha.  She had to scrape that expensive candy off her shorts, around say... her knee area - between her legs that is.  I couldn't stop laughing.  Ridiculous!!! 
Well we found a hotel room tonight about 35 miles from the WLYS area.  At least they didn't issue us a TV control with our brass room key like they did last night!! 
I am on Vera's computer because mine will not connect - 2nd night it would not connect.  Sooo I asked Vera to give me the phone number for GeekSquad.  It is listed on their brochure as 1-800-Geeksqad.  So she translated and gave me the number.  I called it.  They answered.  AND I thought what song is playing????  It was a WRONG number to some Porno #!!!!!!!  I screamed and said you gave me a dang porno number.  After I got her off the floor from laughing and prior to us both wetting out pants, I finally got to call Geeksqad.  Their advice - TAKE THE COMPUTER BACK!!
I bought something today.  We stopped at a stained glass vendor.  Come to find out we pass his business every time we go to Raleigh in Pittsboro, NC.  Unbelievable that we keep running into vendors from our area!!!
Well it's 11:30 and time to cut out the lights - later!!

NO PICTURES 2night- cause my computer WON'T CONNECT - using Vera's so I can post

Kathy & Sherry, SOCK MONKEYS everywhere even at the Amish yard sale!!

Courtney, here is an Athens 1 H Treadmill.  Great use of Horse power! 

It was a pretty little Amish yard sale.

We saw Blackeyed Susans everywhere in Kentucky!

Visited Perryville, Kentucky today - home of the largest Civil War Battle in Kentucky.  The place was absolutely beautiful.

Check out this field of Tobacco in Kentucky....

We had a great day - long - and lots of sightseeing:)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

LONG day but very interesting!!!

Started out in Crossville.  Spent hours and realized we had only been 1 1/2 miles - no kidding.  You can't imagine how much stuff is here.  Check out this lady we met.  She was in one of James Bond's movies we think - you guess which one!!

Kasey, we found you a dress for the next cruise:)
I told you the twa-lettte thing was gonna be an issue.  Well check this out!

We don't even know this woman but she was willing to do this in public!!!!

Oh yeah, I said earlier that we met Ricky Martin, well here he is:
We also met a vendor from Mt. Pleasant, NC - unbelievable - they were actually the first vendors we talked to:

We went to Sgt. Alvin C. York's homeplace.  He was the most decorated soldier in World War I.  His son Andy was the tour guide at the home place. Sgt. York's story is awesome - Gary Cooper played Sgt. York in the movie about him.  Detouring the yard sale to see this was truly an honor!!!

It take a long time to load pictures.  I wish I could load them all but will have to share then via Wal-Mart photos later cause the Internet connection out here is lacking especially when you are staying at motel issues a brass key to get in your room:)

Off to bed for some much needed laying FLAT!!!  Can you say NUMB BUTT??
Headed to Perryville, Ky tomorrow.

I washed my bra and hope it freezes!!!

What a day! We drove at least 10 hours TODAY and only went 200 miles - if we were lucky. So tired but still keyed up. There are thousands of people here but WAY less hotel rooms...it took us a long time to find a place tonight. When we did get here, again after a couple of wrong turns, (what can you expect from directionally challenged DOT the gps?) the room was so HOT - probably 90+ degrees!!! They gave us a floor fan in the office and the AC has finally started spitting out some cool air.

Visited the Sgt. Alvin York's hometown - Pall Mall, TN - and took the little tour but most interesting was meeting his son, Andy York. Very cool indeed!!

Drove up someone's driveway looking for a B&B, met the owners, toured their beautiful yard and they even took us inside their home!! Saw their two rental properties and drank water from a spring out of a cave. Check out the pictures Jody will be posting of the log cabin and grounds around their home. Would love to come back and spend a long weekend there!

Drove over the Lake Cumberland Dam - twice!!! Once during the daylight hours and once after dark. That was eerie and I think both of us were freaking out over it!!

Have found lots of "stuff" but haven't bought anything, really. Not sure what either of us is waiting for as we could have done plenty of buying in Crossville, TN today and then left for HOME!!! I mean just how many days can one person go to a "yard sale"??? We asked the silly question - Why August as opposed to, oh I don't know, maybe October? and was told that a large group of men and a much larger amount of alcohol, decided on the date....just saying!! Wonder what tomorrow will bring? I think that my focus will be on some good food because over here, a BBQ plate consists of a BBQ sandwich, teaspoon of baked beans, bag of chips and a drink and I am hungry!! Only a few more hours until breakfast!! Later....

It is hotter than....well it's HOT. We just met Ricky Martin!! We also met Mr n Mrs Hunt from Mt Pleasant, NC....go figure!
HOT...HOTTER....yeah it's hot! We just thought we looked hot this morning! We now know just how hot we are!
So I just needed to go P! We called 911 cuz it was obvious that someone had died in that bathroom and the body had not yet been found! I still have to P!

Yeah....... She's UP OK

Brewing that COFFEE!!!!!!  It's so BLACK, I could tye dye tee shirts!!!!  WIRED Oh yeah, she is:)  Lord, help us and them uns too!!!!  If you notice, I am the calm one!!!  Just opened up my CAN....of SunDrop that is - woohoo!!!!  Look out Route 127 hur we come!!  I already saw some great big pots that I just love and would look good at the pool.  Vera said, we can't load up the car in the first mile and have to go home.  GO HOME - I would just rent a storage place till we got back with a big ole UHAUL.  Ya got to be thinking AHEAD!!  Oh yeah, on the scary mountain road we were on yesterday, we came around a curve and there were 3 cops with flashing lights.  Our first thoughts, holy macaroni, thank gosh we are packing!!  Well it was just a tree down and in the road a little bit.  Thank goodness for the one car escort for the next half mile.  Never did see any other life form --- so we felt special!!  Later ya'll!!

Woke up!!! Woohoo!!!

No really, we were so tired I was worried that we would sleep really late!!

TRAVEL TIP - Never thought of this before now!! I LOVE my morning coffee - Starbucks Pike Place, black please...and I HATE the coffee supplied by hotels in the rooms. It is OLD AND STALE people, do not drink that stuff. It will make your hair kink, turn your mouth inside out and make you talk in a funny accent... Take one of those little filter packs and carefully open the end and TRASH that crap inside. Then scope out the Starbucks that you brought with you, fill up the little filter pack and lay it in the cradle with the open side up - obviously! Brew and enjoy!!! That is a fantastic discovery - I just don't know why I have never thought of it!!

So with the high temperature predicted for today, we are prepared to melt!! Lots of deoderant - hopefully it works all day!! Lots of water in the cooler, sunscreen ready to apply, sunglasses on and visor ready!! Look out WLYS - the Little sisters are about to arrive....

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Made it to Crossville!!

Finally after 2 wrong turns (my fault) we made it to Crossville - where we pick up Hwy. 127, location of World's Longest Yard Sale (WLYS)! Saw some Tennessee countryside that we have never seen - and will never again because we were skeered when we heard the banjos music!! It was a nice detour since we found some $2.49 gas and we got to see things we wouldn't have seen if we hadn't gone that way!! The ride was good, we took our time and made it a nice day. Once we got here in Crossville, we have began seeing LOTS of vendors already set up and selling their wares! Hotel rooms were scarse and if not sold out their prices were really jacked up. We understand tomorrow night will be even more. We have got to get out there early to beat everyone else and get some bargains!! We decided (I just heard it is going to be 105 here tomorrow - OMG!!) that we can NOT fill up the car here in Crossville - we would have to come home tomorrow and that would be embarrassing!! Check out the pictures - Daddy heard an argument about which way we should turn once we got to the end of the driveway...so he came out to help. Thanks to the Wayside crew for the sendoff - those CLS's lasted all the way to Asheville!! Later!
Hey we are finally on the road! Headed west on I-40 and all points west! Woohoo! Cloudy then sunny but freezing my feet in the car! Stay tuned!


Ready to go, she has the SunDrop and I have the toilet paper...we are prepared!!

It's here - Time to Go!!!!

  • Got up at 6:00am - took two important pictures.  One - the car is clean, ready and empty. Two - Sundrop - can't leave home without it!!!  Going to the bank this morning to get the other $25.00 in ONES I want to take.  I was just not comfortable having another $50.00 in ONES in the car overnight while unattended!

Monday, August 2, 2010

I'm skeered!!

WOW!! I have been reading posts from some really seasoned WLYS participants and it sounds scarey out there!!! I mean really, take my own toilet paper??? What the??? But it is all really great advice and I am really looking forward to this adventure with my sista!!! We are going to have a ball and can't wait to tell you all about it. See ya!!